28 December 2013

The UNSC Warthog


The Warthog

The UNSC's primary vehicle is the "Warthog." It is a highly durable and reliable form of transport for troops and a great vehicle for defending or attacking a target. The Warthog takes skill to operate, as it is easy to roll over, but a skilled driver can carry out their mission with great efficiency.

The Warthog's most basic kill, but sometimes the hardest to execute, is the splatter, in which the driver runs down a pedestrian foe.

The Warthog can be outfitted differently, allowing it to perform various roles. These variants include:

Chain-gun/Machine-gun (default)

Gauss Cannon

Multiple Launch Rocket System (guided)

Troop Transport

Warthog Base (no mounted weapon system)

The following video shows an in-depth description of the Halo 4 Warthog, featured in Forza Motorsport 4.

Warthogs have been upgraded through the franchise.

Very hilarious occurrences never would have happened without the Warthog.

This is called boarding or hijacking a warthog.
Once on Metropolis in Halo 2, I had some fun with an elite. We continued to rip each other out of a Warthog. It was really funny.

Fun Facts:
  • Warthog has a functional horn that can be used to get marines into your hog.
  • Warthogs have the ability to power-slide, allowing more stable turns and less flipping/rolling.
  • Warthogs can survive tremendous falls.
  • In Halo Reach, the driver gets an award every time the gunner kills a foe.
  • Warthogs can be carried underneath a Pelican.
  • The Covenant can hijack and operate the Warthog's driving, passenger seat, and mounted weapon.
  • In Halo CE, the person riding shotgun actually rides in the !st Person Point of View.
Warthogs can be armored using 2 barricades. I know this is a mongoose, but the video is really good.

This is a nice warthog one from Halo 3.

The warthog is able to provide many combat roles due to its durability and adaptability. It is extremely useful, accessible, and fun to drive. Personally, I feel that the driving can be difficult to work with at some points, but I really enjoy driving warthogs.


  1. Anonymous12/29/2013

    My best memory of using the Warthog was during Infection mode of Halo 3. The only way I could find escape as the uninfected was the warthog. Driving around as the flood guy is a few leaps ahead of you is a thrilling experience. I ended up getting derailed on my ride though.

    However, I wish the gunners seat could be in first person view like in the drivers seat in CE according to you post.

    I also like the splatter effect and how it is an convenient obstacle for blocking entrance ways( very useful during capture the flag sessions).

    I don't know if you have mentioned this. But a New Zealand wood shop company made a full functioning warthog out of scratch. The first picture should be the actual wathog.

    1. Anonymous12/29/2013

      A link: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/M12_Force_Application_Vehicle

    2. The diversity of roles that warthogs can play is quite amazing. I, too remember a time when I was playing infection as the infected. I was playing a mode where the infected had a huge speed boost and a jump height near that of a super-bounce. I was, in fact, chasing a warthog. It was fun. Thanks for the story, and an idea, for I may write the next post about infection. By the way, infection is much cooler in Halo 4. It is called Flood, and the infected turn into a floodified version of a spartan with a blade arm (acts like an energy sword).
